Tower Of Babble: How UN Has Fueled The Global Chaos

Updated: September 28, 2020 4:40

Tower of Babble

Dore Gold, a United Nations insider exposes how UN is an abject failure—a fatally flawed organization that has actually accelerated and spread global chaos.

Politicians and pundits are imploring the United States to give the UN a major role in American foreign policy. But as bestselling author Dore Gold reveals in Tower of Babble, it is absurd to look to the UN to fight aggression, combat terrorism, and preserve global order. The UN is an abject failure—a fatally flawed organization that has actually accelerated and spread global chaos. And it is dominated by anti-Western forces, dictatorships, state sponsors of terrorism, and America’s worst enemies.

In his New York Times bestseller Hatred’s Kingdom, Gold blew the lid off Saudi support for terrorism, and now he uncovers an even more important story. As a former UN ambassador, he has a unique insider’s perspective on why the UN fails to address—or in many cases exacerbates—the very problems it was created to solve. He shows how President Franklin Roosevelt’s great vision has been corrupted beyond recognition.

Using internal UN documents and classified cables, Gold presents stark evidence of how the UN ignores mass murder, emboldens terrorists, props up dictators, and otherwise betrays its mission to protect the world’s security.

Here are excerpts from the book:

“There is perhaps no more damning indictment of the UN than its failure to
prevent genocide in Africa in the 1990s.
It was the post–Cold War era, and the fulfilling of the UN’s raison d’être
—dealing with aggression—should have become easier. In fact, the 1990s
should have been the greatest decade for UN peacekeeping in the
organization’s history. Just as President George H. W. Bush laid out a vision
of a post–Cold War world in which the UN played a central role, Bill
Clinton’s administration came into office in 1993 calling for “assertive
multilateralism.” And the end of the superpower rivalry meant that the UN
Security Council could become far more active in dozens of regional
conflicts around the globe. Thus, whereas in 1988 the UN had only 11,000
peacekeepers deployed worldwide, by December 1994 it had 78,000.1
It seemed likely that the UN would assume a new, more prominent role in
global affairs.
Yet it repeatedly ignored or excused aggression because of the competing
interests of its member states. Consider, for example, how major powers in
the UN Security Council that had an interest in protecting Iraq—in
particular, France, Russia, and China—enabled Saddam Hussein to wiggle
out of the inspection system that the UN had created at the end of the 1991
Gulf War. The UN’s neutrality in the face of aggression was a moral flaw
that nullified its ability to protect international security.
This amorality also affected the UN’s ability to make judgments about
the victims of aggression. In the 1990s the UN was witness to the worst
massacres perpetrated against innocent civilians since the Second World
War. But it was more than a witness to these slaughters. By doing nothing
even when its own peacekeeping forces were supposedly in control of the
situation, the UN shared responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of
thousands of innocent people. Quite simply, the UN’s peacekeeping forces
could not or did not keep the peace. When the UN was confronted with a
true crisis in the African country of Rwanda, its peacekeeping mission went
horribly wrong…..
The UN is supposed to be a force for international security. Instead it has
allowed crises to explode. And the UN’s failure in one conflict only creates
other crises, as the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide reveals.
Chaos spread over Central Africa. More than a million Rwandan Hutus
fled from the victorious RFP forces in July 1994, settling in Zaire. The Hutu
refugees, many of whom who had engaged in the genocide, received
international aid, including aid from the UN. Hutu militias exploited these
refugee camps to launch raids against the new regime in Rwanda. They also
attacked the Tutsis of Zaire. As a result, both Rwanda and neighboring
Uganda backed the effort that overthrew the pro-Hutu regime of Joseph
Mobutu in Zaire, which in turn set off civil war. Zaire’s internal wars spread
across the borders of neighboring states. In 1998, five African states
invaded Zaire, which by then had changed its name to the Democratic
Republic of Congo. The conflict pitted the forces of Rwanda and Uganda
against those of Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Angola.
By refusing to address the crisis in Rwanda when it had the opportunity,
the UN set off a devastating chain of events. Instead of protecting peace, the
UN had fueled chaos on the continent of Africa.
Even before these other crises had erupted, it was clear to some that the
UN had ignored its duties and allowed some 800,000 people to be
massacred. These people did not have to wait for a long UN inquiry to be
completed to know who was to blame. On July 14, 1994, Secretary-General
Boutros Boutros-Ghali visited Rwanda. Four white UN helicopters landed
at a Catholic missionary compound in Nyarbuye, which had become a
memorial for the Rwanda genocide. Barefoot villagers streamed toward the
landing site to demonstrate before the UN’s highest official.”

(The book is available at

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