
How Indian Press Was Muzzled During Emergency

Veteran Journalist Coomi Kapoor recalls in this book how Press was muzzled and civil liberties were suspended when Emergency was imposed by the Congress in 1975. Here are the excerpts from "The Emergency:A Personal History"

The Costs Of Connection: How Data Is Colonizing Human Life

Nick Couldry and Ulises A. Mejias uncover the invisible process of "data colonialism," and its designs for controlling our lives—our ways of knowing; our means of production; our political participation.

कोविड के बहाने: मसला संवदेनशीलता का है

अतुल जैन बता रहे हैं कि कोविड के इस दौर में असली चुनौती हमारी संवेदनशीलता को है और इसका समाधान किसी वैक्सीन से नहीं होगा, न ही अमेरिका और रूस इसमें हमारी कुछ मदद कर पाएंगे, इसका समाधान तो समाज और स्वंय को ही खोजना होगा।

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